Often moved to improve, I'm proud to own up to a few ambitious undertakings intended to improve the music industry. The word you're looking for is "Quixotic". Or, if you've been in the music industry, it's "BWAHAHAHA". By all technical measures, those efforts failed. Anyone remember the "Righteous Pursuit"? Yeah, you know, the 3-Year high tech internet enterprise that featured every possible slick tool, data base, and resource for a baby band to book their own tours. It was solid. It did, however, present a level of interaction (aka - "Work") that bands just didn't...er...um...appreciate. Nicest thing I can say about our "Audience". Long story, editorial commentary, and technical mumbo jumbo aside - the back end developers killed it in the face of unimpeachable evidence it was not self-sustaining. Against my wishes but for absolutely legitimate reasons. I like to think it was just too good. Of course, I have to rationalize throwing a reasonable amount of money at it that I'll never see again. There's some background you didn't ask for.
The Righteous Pursuit featured a webzine, "The Warriors" - It was the driver of traffic to the site, I was the editor and main contributor, and we published good stuff about touring and the people that toured. It featured a short form review section we called "10 Words or less", consisting of shooting-from-the-hip contributions in a collaborative free-for-all among our associates. The idea was brilliant (If I say so myself, possibly because it was my idea), the process was riotous good fun, and the results were......Below. The results are below.
Please enjoy the swan song "10 Words or less", I know we did. {Note: Contributor initials are tagged but I'm not going to attribute them because I said I wouldn't. "JA" is me, duh}
10 Words or less…
Anything music reviewed in less than 10 words.
Having fun with A.D.D.
You try it.
It’s JA’s fault.
*[CD] Himsa/Courting Tragedy & Disaster: A
collection of riffs. (BC)
*[CD] LA Guns/Waking the Dead: Brilliant CD. Better than the band. (JA)
*[Live Video] The Posies/[UTube]: This is your brain in Spain on Cocaine. (JC)
*[CD] Dresden Dolls/Yes, Virginia: Life is a Cabaret, Old Chum. (JA)
*[Band] The Ruby Doe: Too smart for their own damn good. (JA)
*[CD] The New York Dolls/One day it will please us to remember even this:
*[CD] LA Guns/Waking the Dead: Brilliant CD. Better than the band. (JA)
*[Live Video] The Posies/[UTube]: This is your brain in Spain on Cocaine. (JC)
*[CD] Dresden Dolls/Yes, Virginia: Life is a Cabaret, Old Chum. (JA)
*[Band] The Ruby Doe: Too smart for their own damn good. (JA)
*[CD] The New York Dolls/One day it will please us to remember even this:
Growing up opposed to just getting old or the alternative.
Led Zeppelin/Box Set: #1 reason to quit playing drums. (DC)
& Live] Lyrics Born/Same Shit, Different Day: Smooth Groove Move. Listen
and learn, kids (JR)
Akron/Family/Meek Warrior: Beards, mushrooms, and cults make a good combo (BC)
NoMeansNo/All Roads Lead to Ausfahrt: NMN Don't Give A Fuck. Go Hang Yourself
*[Band] Akimbo: Guess it's ok to
be snotty if you're this good. (JA)
*[CD] Mars Volta/Amputecture: Like
a hundred dudes at Guitar Center playing simultaneously (BC)
Mars Volta- lkadoiuf ladsfoiuwe lsdflkj lasdvoiu asdvbui knasrgoib rgoiuato
*[CD] Witch/Self-Titled: I love
Black Sabbath (BC)
*[CD] Early Man/Closing In: Not
Worthy (JA)
*[CD] Citizen Cope/Clarence
Greenwood Recordings: Doing Bob Dylan, but actually listenable.
*[CD] Citizen Cope/Every Waking
Moment: Shamelessly replicating himself replicating Dylan. Still better than
Dylan. (JA)
*[Live] Rocco DeLuca: Nobody needs
a G.Love and Citizen Cope hybrid. (JA)
*[Band] These Arms Are Snakes:
Reminds me of a joke (TB)
*[Band] Fleetwood
Mac Blues Band: Good band before those women fucked it all up (JR)
*[Band] Panic At The Disco: Vomiting
in my shorts would sound better (DC)
*[CD] The Drams/Jubilee Dive: Eh –
Poppier than Slobberbone (JC)
*[Band] Good Charlotte: Keep
ignoring. They will go away (JA)
*[CD] Aiden/Nightmare Anatomy:
Cute. Check back in a year (JA & DH)
*[CD] Coldplay/XO: One Long Song
(TK, Age 6)
*[Band] Esoteric: Awful (BC)
*[Band] Esoteric: Metalcore with
pogo punk energy. Great Sweaters (JA)
*[Band] Esoteric: Ever humped the
singer’s Ex-Girlfriend? I have
*[CD] Neutral Boy/Weapons of Mass
Seduction: South of Moen’s Border Music (JA)
*[Song] Whitesnake/Still of the
Night: YOU write a song this good (JA)
*[Band] 3 Inches of Blood: Gayer
than a gay wizard from castle gayskull (TB)
*[Band] Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive to Death:
Native American Modest Mouse (R@Halo)
*[CD] Corrosion of
Conformity/Wiseblood; Tough guy rock delivered by thrashers. Their best work.
*[CD] Corrosion of
Conformity/America’s Volume Dealer; Tough guy rock delivered by thrashers.
Their best work.
*[CD] Corrosion of
Conformity/Wiseblood; Tough guy rock delivered by thrashers. Seriously, their
best work.
*[CD] Corrosion of
Conformity/America’s Volume Dealer; Tough guy rock delivered by thrashers.
Absolutely, their best work.
*[CD] Corrosion of
Conformity/Wiseblood AND America’s Volume Dealer; Tough guy rock delivered by
thrashers. Own them both. (JA)
*[CD] Corrosion of
Conformity/Eye for an Eye: All you need (JR)
*[Live] Village
Green: Good solid modern twisty pop. Bad, BAD vests. (JA)
*[CD] Mastodon/Blood
Mountain: Prog, Prog, Prog, GRRAAARGH (BLO)
*[Discography] Mono
Men: Never saw them. How stupid am
I? (JR)
Decemberists/The Crane Wife: Turkey Leg at a Renaissance Fair (BLO)
*[CD] Pink/I’m Not
Dead: Girl can sing. If you laugh,
go fuck yourself (JR)
*[CD] Gnarles
Barkley/St. Elsewhere: Hip Hop Soul Circus. Violent Femmes shouldn’t have been
invited (JA)
Aerosmith/Devil’s Got a New Disguise: Bitchin’. More hard rock boogie from the very best (JA)
*[Band] Jesse Malin:
Your kid’s Mom’s best friend ever humped him? Mine has (TB)
*[CD] Melvins/Senile
Animal: Heavier than your band.
Or, any band (BC)
*[CD] Melvins/Senile
Animal: Meet God (JA)
RUSH: Sucks (DC)
My Chemical Romance: My Chemical Turd (DC)
My Chemical Romance: 10 Jillion Kids CAN be wrong (JA)
Guns N Roses ‘06: Should be Live at The Funhouse (DC)
Guns N Roses: Much better without Axl (DC)
Velvet Revolver: Where's Axl when you need him? (DC)
Plain White Ts: This is what’s wrong with music today (DC)
Sunn O))) and Boris/Altar: Insert Spinal Tap Stonehenge joke here (BC)
Hold Steady: AC/DC meets the E. Street Band (MM)
Slunt: Great name. Wicked Hot
Chicks. Can’t Play. Cryin’ Shame
Rolling Stones: Dead Men Rocking
Buck Cherry/15: Crazy Bitchin’ Comeback (JA)
The Mumblers of Santa Clara, California
So very snugly cute
French-horn, sincerity
Blushing at my interest
So very snugly cute
French-horn, sincerity
Blushing at my interest
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