Smart. Funny. Writer.

Words arranged purposefully towards ambitious goals.

PR and Marketing

Aker's Porsche - Website & Trade Publication Copy 
Aker’s Porsche - Founded 1965
- For half a century, proudly servicing Seattle’s Porsche population

On an unremarkable block of industrial buildings, in an otherwise booming Seattle neighborhood, and below an unassuming awning is a door that opens to a cluttered and plainly utilitarian office.  You’ve just crossed the threshold into Aker’s Porsche.  The majesty of the automotive power and prestige that is Aker’s stock-in-trade doesn’t reveal itself until you get out to the shop floor.  Sitting upon the shop floor is a rotating, but always spectacular, array of Porsches (and a couple of notable VW’s here and there), old/new, big/small, expansive restorations or basic maintenance – that’s where the magic happens.  It’s truly what’s inside Aker’s that counts.
To know Porsche is to know a long and fascinating history of German engineering and constantly evolving automotive innovation, not to mention some impressive racing credentials.  To know “Porsche People” is to know an interesting array of devoted, fastidious, techie, and singularly focused folks.  To know Aker’s Porsche is to be a “Porsche Person”. 
“Porsche people are different.  Our customers become friends” – Mark Aker
“Porsche does things differently.  You grow to really like it” – Denny Aker
Aker’s Porsche was founded by Denny Aker in 1965 and is currently in the capable hands of his son, Mark Aker. Coming up on 50 years in operation, Aker’s Porsche represents the care and celebration of some of the fastest, most complex, highly engineered, elegant automobiles on roads and racetracks all over the world.  From the family-oriented modern SUV Cayenne to the high-speed and highly collectible 356 sports cars, Aker’s is a real-life snapshot of automotive and family evolutions as they stand the test of time and stand above the rest.

“People don’t throw away Porsches” – Mark Aker

Measured Experience Company Description – For TechCrunch Directory
Measured Experience (MX) offers affordable and engaging systems for collecting customer feedback. 

Featuring out-of-the-box service and hardware packages for business to start gathering customer experience input via custom combinations of devices and questions, created for each business client’s unique needs – MX is the logical evolution of customer surveying.

Customers have easy, intuitive, and brief rating options for their immediate input, in unobtrusive and engaging presentations.  Successful input capture results are available in real time for multiple, invaluable business needs. 

·       Proactively address poor customer service and prevent bad social network reviews.
·       Monitor multiple locations or placements for instant detection of developing issues.
·       Collect short and long term metrics reporting for making business decisions and improvements.

Developed, researched and tested to meet both customers and business needs, the Measured Experience provides the best in straight-forward, no-hassle, and cost-efficient customer feedback collecting. 


Kontent Partners Media Kit - Client/Project Description

Resources Global Professionals (RGP)- All over the globe and ongoing, Kontent Partners provide the comprehensive production coordination and support for RGP’s ad campaign highlighting their relationship with the most recognizable brands and their high level staffing. Carefully orchestrated images representing the connectivity of the people to the industry they represent. Featuring a vast ensemble of companies, executives, and locations ranging from Sotheby’s/NYC to Caesers/Las Vegas to Makita/Japan.

{This is one of many short paragraphs illustrating Kontent's scope of work per client/project}


Kontent Partners Newsletter/Mailer Copy

You know us – We’re Kontent Partners, a team of creative people working together to craft visual impact and make messages – smart, stylish offerings for the furthering of your cause. One team encapsulating a broad range of services, from snapshots to epic tales, Kontent Partners has assembled a streamlined company with a giant network of like minded professionals bringing power and presence with agility and saavy. You know us, you like us, and you’re impressed. Right back ‘atcha.

Kontent Partners is happy to announce the arrival of a bouncing baby office/studio space to center our work and anchor our projects. It’s our new “Home”, where joy and laughter (and coffee and perhaps an off-color joke every once in a while) reverberates while we’re hunkering down and getting stuff done. We think great people, hard work and beautiful spaces are the best possible combination towards excellence. That’s why we painted the place ourselves, FYI. Expansive urban view and teak oiled raw wood floors, we’re looking forward to many a high spirited meeting and shoot in our space, as well as some quiet contemplation, and perhaps….perhaps a big fun party every once in awhile. We were careful to build in a fully functional bar, Wink Wink. Come – “Meet” or “Shoot” or “Think” (or, occasionally, “Drink”), our space is your space, which is…well, kinda a metaphor.

Totally a metaphor. Kontent Partners - Global/Local, Big/Small, Beautiful/Functional, Happy/Hardworking, and always centered. You know us, now maybe you know us a little better but, for sure, now you know where to find us. It’s a pretty awesome place.

Hell's Belles - Halloween Event Press Release

If there was a cocktail party where the guests included Bon Scott, Freddie Mercury, and Rob Halford - not to mention a whole host of flamboyant rockers and the potential for a truly wild time – wouldn’t you want to be invited?  For the outfits alone?  Well, you ARE! 

10/31/2013 @ Seattle’s Showbox Market
KISW Presents: HELL’S BELLES & HALLOQUEEN with special guests - Belles Bent For Leather. Portion of all ticket proceeds benefitting Motley Zoo Animal Rescue 

You’re invited to join us this high holiday night for wicked enchantment and completely ditching the regular routine.  Come as a giant banana, or Lady Gaga, or come as you are, just come and join the pitch-perfect rock&roll evening.

Ferocious female rock warriors HELL’S BELLES are bringing their tried & true AC/DC energy back around to the flashpoint, right here in Seattle.  Hell’s Belles will be celebrating another glorious year in the life of adventuring to the brink of exhaustion, courtesy of live rock&roll and a big, beloved group of fellow hard rock music friends and fans.  The ladies of Hell’s Belles will be celebrating their favorite holiday, “All Hallows’ Eve”, in the manner which we’re all accustomed – taking a night off from the daily life grind – embracing the demons and making them your own.

Majestically musical and moving – HALLOQUEEN  presents the epic operatic rock&roll of Queen to life, complete with complex arrangements, the theatrics, and no lack of bombastic style.  Featuring a collective of Seattle’s most accomplished players with their own dramatic histories and many a contribution to the city’s musical make up – Halloqueen consistently thrills the masses with an unerring dedication to the musically-intricate, powerfully-dynamic and multi-faceted rock&roll legend Queen.

5 hot rocker chicks and a dude named Bart, sweaty and adrenaline-fueled, crammed together in a van, navigating treacherous mountain roads, in the dead of night.  Oh yeah - wink-wink, queue bad porn soundtrack, we all know how this gritty touring tale turns out.  But wait…Instead queue Judas Priest in the CD player and consider that all 5 hot rocker chicks are established hard rock musicians otherwise known as Hell’s Belles and dedicated heavy metal geeks, and the story has a different ending.  BELLES BENT FOR LEATHER, a tribute to metal legends Judas Priest, was born of the ladies of Hell’s Belles - true metal die-hard musicians with a history of delivering dead-on accurate live-action portrayals of their rock&roll heros, a history of gender-blindness, and a fearless quest to inspire and invigorate rock purveyors of all stripes.

A dark and potentially wicked event is hardly the stuff of puppies and kittens, but at the same time – every member of this cast of characters LOVES puppies and kittens, so we’ve invited the fine, selfless people of the Motley Zoo Animal Rescue to join us for the evening. Part of the ticket sale proceeds will be donated to Motley Zoo, and they’ll be overjoyed for any direct donations on site.  We can be heroes and demons and rock stars and giant bananas, just for one day.

  Hell's Belles "Highway to Black" Press Release
“Highway to Black” Show, 2009

Hell’s Belles are determined and excited (and a little scared at times) to take their Ac/Dc devotion to the next level in 2009, bringing an entirely new visitation of the world’s greatest rock band to the fans in rock marathon format. Shooting to Thrill, if you will. Ladies and gentlemen, may we present, in special event situations:


Melodie, Mandy, Jamie, Lisa, and Adrian “Angus” Conner will be performing the entirety, in order, of both Ac/Dc’s mega-hit albums, “Highway to Hell” and “Back In Black”, for a combined 90 some straight minutes of a pitch-perfect, bawdy, and driven rock & roll assault. As with all things Hell’s Belles, not for the weak or the weary, this relentless testament to their hero’s in Ac/Dc, the combined performance represent a legendary band and their historical recovery from the great tragedy of Bon Scott’s far-too-early-demise, to the miraculous courage and power of Brian Johnson and the success and longevity of Angus, Malcolm, Phil and Cliff. Ac/Dc is an amazing band and an amazing story. Hell’s Belles are always honored, every day, every show, to bear witness.


The show’s taken some time to rehearse and develop, because Hell’s Belles don’t do anything less than 100%. Inspired in equal parts by the technical and physical challenge, a reintroduction to the musical documents that changed the face of rock history forever, and the heartfelt desire to present Ac/Dc’s legacy in a new way, Hell’s Belles are thrilled to be getting the show live for you and yours. We look forward to sharing this experience of rock, sweat, devotion and inspiration with Ac/Dc fans all over the world. Please join us as we head Back to Hell on the Highway to Black;

Love & Rock Always – Hell's Belles


What is the American equivalent to Judas Priest? What is the contemporary equivalent to Van Halen? Both guitar harmonics fueled, sensational front man driven hard rock/heavy metal band archetypes. What’s the modern day, American equal to either, or, some amalgamation thereof? Guns & Roses is too easy an answer. The Swedes are doing well with it via the Backyard Babies, and LA’s Buck Cherry surely fit right in with the model, but for the sake of argument, let’s say it’s Seattle’s ZERO DOWN. Minus the arenas and the leather pants.

Fully formed in ’04, ZERO DOWN wildly embraces the Priest/Halen Legacy with unique flourish and reverential nods to members of the extended metal family, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Thin Lizzy, just to name a few. ZERO DOWN is an homage to metal, finely wrought, hyper enthusiastically delivered, easily accessible in time and PacNw geography.

Metal Misfit, Pirate, Card Dealer and Tortured Genius (plus drummer), the characters that comprise ZERO DOWN are as individually entertaining as one could imagine. “Lenny-the-Face”, “Ronnie-the-Eye”, “Hawk-the-Mountain”, “Fred-the-Philosopher”, and “Tyler, Lone Wolf” are conceivably the greatest metal meatball ensemble cast presenting rock and roll today. But of course, the ZERO DOWN whole is easily greater than the sum of the parts. Which, FYI, is what makes a great band, in case you didn’t know.

Not afraid of the “Revivalist” tag, nay, embracing it, ZERO DOWN’s debut offering, ‘05’s “Old Time Revival” put them on the map for pure hearted revivalist metal delivered fervently in the spirit of tent revivals. Zealous testifying to the almighty rock, this year’s highly anticipated follow up, “Good Times at the Gates of Hell” has arrived, extending the musical themes and musicality, while presenting a more distilled purity of form. Seemingly, the apprentices have grown to equal the masters. Featuring another colorful cast member, Martin “Sweet Wizard” Feveyear stars in both recording occasions as the producer, producing not just another set of name drops (Presidents of the U.S. of A., QOTSA, Gruntruck, Screaming Trees), but his deft handling of ZERO DOWN’S power and prowess. As if there weren’t enough clown cooks in the ZERO DOWN kitchen, enter iconic illustrator Ed Repka (see: Megadeth and 3 Inches of Blood CD cover art), and his stunning capture of the ZERO DOWN Snake Handler mascot. “Good Times at the Gates of Hell” is indeed the complete package. That is, if you like rock.

Appearing regularly at only the grimiest hotspot night clubs and independent record stores, the ZERO DOWN crusade has only just begun. Anticipating many more colorful characters to join the flock, appreciating the long standing dedicated followers, casting any doubts aside, the mission has been stated, and nothing but good times are bound to follow, perhaps all the way to the gates of hell, perhaps instead to the arenas and the leather pants outlets. Oh, and by the way, there is no American equivalent to Judas Priest, nor is there a contemporary equivalent to Van Halen. It was a trick question. ZERO DOWN, however, is damn close.