Smart. Funny. Writer.

Words arranged purposefully towards ambitious goals.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Merriam & Webster: Not Invited

Oh Hi. Welcome to this blog of mine, created to provide a forum for you to peruse my writerly efforts and accomplishments. If you encounter a word you suspect is not "Real" (As in validated by some word scientist), you are likely correct. In defense of the unestablished word - Writing is purposeful. Good writing is undertaken towards accomplishing a goal, of which there are many. A resourceful and creative taskmaster works with the resources at hand, and in the absence of the necessary tool, creates one. If the word works, who's to say it's not "Real". I'm neither Merriam or Webster, I have legitimate cause to assume you are not either, and until one or the other storms my gates with swords and/or an "Unreal Word Usage" warrant for my arrest, I'll do what it takes.

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